
Medium and High Energy Physics Seminar: Alex Haber (Washington University in St. Louis) "Transport in Neutron Star Mergers"

Speaker: Alex Haber (Washington University in St. Louis)
Date: 1/24/2022
Time: 3:00 pm
Location: Room 464
Event Contact: Brandy Koebbe
Sponsor: Physics
Event Type: Seminar/Symposium

Transport properties of compact stars have been computed in the past mostly for the conditions in old, isolated, and therefore cold neutron stars. Gravitational wave observations of binary neutron star mergers allow us to examine dense matter in even denser, but more importantly significantly hotter matter. This requires a careful reexamination of nuclear and exotic matter transport properties of dense matter. In this talk I will present our work on nuclear and exotic bulk viscosity and Urca like processes in these environments.