Photo credit: L. Brian Stauffer, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Recent Publications of HEP-PH Group Members

Exotic Particles at the DUNE Near Detector from Charged Pion Scattering
ArXiv - 2407.14648
Diana Forbes, Yonatan Kahn, Rachel Nguyen

Interim report for the International Muon Collider Collaboration (IMCC)
ArXiv - 2407.12450
Yonatan Kahn et al.

DESI Dark Energy Time Evolution is Recovered by Cosmologically Coupled Black Holes
ArXiv - 2405.12282
Kevin S. Croker, Gregory Tarlé, Steve P. Ahlen, Brian G. Cartwright, Duncan Farrah, Nicolas Fernandez, Rogier A. Windhorst

Axion baryogenesis puts a new spin on the Hubble tension
ArXiv - 2405.12268
Raymond T. Co, Nicolas Fernandez, Akshay Ghalsasi, Keisuke Harigaya, Jessie Shelton

Generalized Entanglement Capacity of de Sitter Space
ArXiv - 2404.13684
Tom Banks, Patrick Draper

Measuring the molecular Migdal effect with neutron scattering on diatomic gases
ArXiv - 2403.08866
Yonatan Kahn, Jesús Pérez-Ríos

Gravitational Waves from Kinetic Preheating
ArXiv - 2402.16152
Peter Adshead, John T. Giblin Jr, Avery Tishue

Form factors for semileptonic B-decays with HISQ light quarks and clover b-quarks in Fermilab interpretation
ArXiv - 2402.14924
Hwancheol Jeong, Carleton DeTar, Aida El-Khadra, Elvira Gámiz, Zechariah Gelzer, Steven Gottlieb, William Jay, Andreas Kronfeld, Andrew Lytle, Alejandro Vaquero

Dark Radiation Isocurvature from Cosmological Phase Transitions
ArXiv - 2402.13309
Matthew R. Buckley, Peizhi Du, Nicolas Fernandez, Mitchell J. Weikert

$B$-meson semileptonic decays from highly improved staggered quarks
ArXiv - 2403.03959
Andrew Lytle, Carleton DeTar, Aida El-Khadra, Elvira Gámiz, Steven Gottlieb, William Jay, Andreas Kronfeld, Jack Laiho, James Simone, Alejandro Vaquero

Update on the gradient flow scale on the 2+1+1 HISQ ensembles
ArXiv - 2401.06522
Aida X. El-Khadra et al.

Breakdown of Field Theory in Near-Horizon Regions
ArXiv - 2401.03572
Tom Banks, Patrick Draper, Manthos Karydas

Mechanical cosmology: simulating inflationary models in synthetic mechanical lattices
ArXiv - 2312.13467
Brendan Rhyno, Ivan Velkovsky, Peter Adshead, Bryce Gadway, Smitha Vishveshwara