
High Energy Physics Seminar - Marios Galanis (Perimeter Institute) - "Superradiant interactions of cosmic noise"

Speaker: Marios Galanis (Perimeter Institute)
Date: 10/18/2024
Time: 11 a.m.
Location: Room 464
Event Contact: Brandy Koebbe
Sponsor: Department of Physics
Event Type: Seminar/Symposium

 In this talk I will do three things. First, I will outline the conditions under which the interaction rate of inelastic processes with a system consisting of N targets scales as N^2. Second, I will present computations of interaction rates for several weakly interacting particles, including the Cosmic Neutrino Background and QCD axion dark matter, and will explain the underlying physics. Third, I will introduce new quantum observables that do not rely on net energy transfer, but can still extract these N^2 effects. This talk will not address a concrete experimental proposal, but the effects presented may point to a new class of table-top and ultra-low threshold particle detectors.